Friday, January 4, 2013


when did it become the profitable thing to hire idiots and then to allow those idiots to band together in an unholy idiot cult. a cult with such depth, that no matter the incompetence and overal loserdom of the manager, the other soulless fucks would defend them rabidly with lies, false numbers and the biggest fraud of them all. DOCOTORED EXCEL SPREADSHEETS? when did we, as a people, become big enough pussies to allow such mental zombies, soulless vessels to infiltrate and stay in the real world. Instead of turned into food for our food chain as they should be. Over and Over, moron after moron surfaces, only to be supported by a bigger support system of even bigger morons. Morons who exist and populate their circumfrence with even bigger morons to protect their jobs and earning power. it is the sickness of our times. the following is not a lie. middle manaager in a particular organization, an organization of high reput and merit, an organization known worldwide for excellence. Allowed a child molester to molest children while employed by the organization and every middle manager that could in that otherwise honorable organization bent over backwards to protect the middle manager and deny utterly that anything was afoot. until there were too many hurt people to deny the one lousy middle manager. tumors, grow, and inevitably, the tumor takes over the host. so it is with middle managers. they do nothing, create and foster others who do nothing, and while these cancer cells feed off the host, they cells find ways to feed more than needed, and steal even more life from the host. over and over the parasites of middle management suck profit and jobs from this country. Note the multitude of bankruptcies and layoffs over the last six years. and at the center of every story. multiple shapeshifting, life sucking, profit and inspiration stealing whores who call themselves, Middle managers. now that being said. there are some good ones. in twenty years. I've met, 6 true story. and I love every last one of them. of them. The duke, was the best.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Bel Biv Devoe said it best

and it occurred to me today in a blazing moment of clairty. Especially evil, and especially moronic when it comes to middle management, is a middle manager with a booty of too beacoup. you can have a crazy manager, but with out the big butt, and its ok. you can have the big butt, and that big butt not be possessed by a middle manager and its ok. BUT if there is a nexus of a "big butt and a smile" run for your life. kudos to Bel Biv Devoe for the corporate prophesy they wrote so long ago.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

a page from a conversation with evil deena. 'look, don't use big words with these people. I know you are relying on them to finish your work and only if they finish your work, do you get credit and only then do you get paid. and I know, you could finish your own work. and do it faster and better. but I used to work for this company and I owe them for hiring me out of jail. So trust me when I tell you, we will be transferring to these people one way or the other. Now, if they ask you what your favorite coloring book is, do not answer, it will only confuse them. if you can, when you speak to them, write you sentences down first and eliminate any words longer than two syllables or words that may potentially have more than one meaning. this too will only confuse them. also, when indicating the number one, be sure to let the person you are speaking to know that you are referring to the number that is one less than two but one greater than zero and not to any acronym that may be associated with ONE such as, "overbearing nuisance employed as a middle manager' or 'oh my god, not every call'. these two will provide massive confusion to the folks you are transferring your work to, after all, I worked very hard with them over the last week with the help of the "rosetta stone' program and that was just for them to have passable english. remember, not everyone has a great manager like you, so count your blessings, sincerely, Evil Deena.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

what the middle manager calls thinking

how to speak with a moron, or conversing with your local idiot and making he or she believe they are so very smart. "It is what it is:" translation: this is really stupid what you've just heard, but it comes from first class jag offs who can fire me and you and burn down this whole building for fun if they wanted. so. we have to do it, and like it, and thank the jag off the next time you see him for the opportunity. "I like to think we're on the same team." translation: we hire just about anybody, which included you, by the way, we pay them as little as we can and get away with.. and yes, some of those people don't speak your language, or, a language that includes words at all. as some of these employees speak in colors flashed from a special light and work part time helping to land planes at the airport. others trade favors for cigarettes and really could quite care less if what they say or do makes sense, but they work for a salary that is in line with our needs so we'll keep them on. "you are going to have to ask the other manager about that" what you have asked or said includes words with more than two syllables or begin with letters other than I or Z so I amunable to grasp just what the hell it is you are saying, tell the other manager and that manager will translate for me in much simpler terms.":

middle managers and the crap they spew

Coming from a union family it had long been the belief that middle managers and their culture were the butt zit on the tush of productivity. A filled pimple on the puss of purpose. This would be common though amongst people who actually think. so many middle managers had come before to prove the theorem. yea verily there was the occasional exception. many thanks are given both now and over time for Art from the South Side. Like wise are many thanks given for the wisdom Of Josee from Quebec city. The most relevant and helpful of all the rareified middle manager exceptions would have to be The Duke. The Duke was given the biggest challenges, far greater than that of my own. The Duke was given babbling lunatics above him to report to and drooling biscuit head toddlers to work with in the same working environment. AND yet he Duke rose, and brought those who cared to listen to the words and world wise confidence of the Duke to a greater success and acheivement. A finer drank in your cup, if you will. Although the conditions were corrupted by the likes of Evil Deena and Yvette, the fastest moron in all of Middle management. when told, that the prospects the Duke and his staff were to be converting to sales would be tranferred to third grade dropouts, who were all incarcerated for various crimes. The Duke simplified, 'at least we have jobs'. and in the end. as wisdom would show, it is better to deal with the lunatic you know, than the one you do not. and you could have cured cancer in your last job, if you are currently unemployed the cult of middlemanagement takes over with the judgement that, 'one of my fellow moron middlemanager bretheren thinks you can think, and so, you are a danger to me" and in this day, Passive agressive job security was a paid benefit all by itself. For as the morons rule who is to be hired and who is to be tossed, it is wise to speak the language of the morons in business who hide under the title of Middle Management. The Duke blessed us all for taking the patience to reinforce this belief. then came the concoctions of evil Deena. It was the idea of Evil Deena that as sales people. we would be more productive, if, after making the sale, we would each list that exact same sale, on a separate email, three separate times and send each of those emails to Evil Deena for her to keep record of. This oddity was further clarified when it was found that evil Deena would eat three double cheeseburgers for lunch each day, but would still feel good about her health because, as she put it, everything happened on just one lunch. how bad can it be? Evil Deena had come to our workplace from the fast food community where it was her brainchild to make a burger that was one full pound in weight. Her theory. well if your going to eat for one meal, why not for the others as well. what a brilliant middle manager she was making and would continue to make on a manifested mediocre path of middle manager melanomas that would pollute every last common sense filled folk who worked with Mikey in these confines. "surely," did mikey contemplate one day. "there will be a day that even the morons that reside in middle management will seek to make money. and then, as a sales person. I will make money too." it seems to jibe, this was a business, and a busines does generally seek to make money. generally. but these middle managers were a special breed of dope, honed in the ignorance of call centers elswhere. The duke stood confident. "inevitably, the tide will change, and instead of sending our sales to the ex convicts we will get to keep our own sales and determine our own fate." The duke also provided comfort. "although evil deena is indeed exceptionally stupid, the Dipstick that hired her, you recall, the fastest moron in all of middle management, they will see how deep her stupidity goes, and they will send her back to the job she had before. placing crayons in the specific crayon boxes.(it was there she was promoted to middle managgment you see) the Duke concluded and taking a drank from his cup. " the secret is simple. if you can convince a real moron, and I mean a real idiot that you are just a dumb, if not dumber. AND, that idiot happens to already be in upper management. you are set for life. " The Duke Continued," the last thing any upper manager wants to do is work, but, they do not want to worry that someone below them will work, and expose them as someone who doesn't work." convince a moron uppermanager of that, and you will not work another day in your life. think it, contemplate it, review it as thou wilt, but you will see it is true." next entry: Good Deena sheds light on evil deena and the dipstick exposes how deep his dippyness goes.