Friday, January 4, 2013


when did it become the profitable thing to hire idiots and then to allow those idiots to band together in an unholy idiot cult. a cult with such depth, that no matter the incompetence and overal loserdom of the manager, the other soulless fucks would defend them rabidly with lies, false numbers and the biggest fraud of them all. DOCOTORED EXCEL SPREADSHEETS? when did we, as a people, become big enough pussies to allow such mental zombies, soulless vessels to infiltrate and stay in the real world. Instead of turned into food for our food chain as they should be. Over and Over, moron after moron surfaces, only to be supported by a bigger support system of even bigger morons. Morons who exist and populate their circumfrence with even bigger morons to protect their jobs and earning power. it is the sickness of our times. the following is not a lie. middle manaager in a particular organization, an organization of high reput and merit, an organization known worldwide for excellence. Allowed a child molester to molest children while employed by the organization and every middle manager that could in that otherwise honorable organization bent over backwards to protect the middle manager and deny utterly that anything was afoot. until there were too many hurt people to deny the one lousy middle manager. tumors, grow, and inevitably, the tumor takes over the host. so it is with middle managers. they do nothing, create and foster others who do nothing, and while these cancer cells feed off the host, they cells find ways to feed more than needed, and steal even more life from the host. over and over the parasites of middle management suck profit and jobs from this country. Note the multitude of bankruptcies and layoffs over the last six years. and at the center of every story. multiple shapeshifting, life sucking, profit and inspiration stealing whores who call themselves, Middle managers. now that being said. there are some good ones. in twenty years. I've met, 6 true story. and I love every last one of them. of them. The duke, was the best.

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